
We copyedit and proofread all types of documents, including theses, articles, reports, presentations, proposals, user manuals, books, magazines, newsletters, e-books, e-zines, e-newsletters, blogs, and marketing materials. 
WriteArt offers three levels of copyediting and three additional services, as follows: 
Level one: spelling and punctuation. 
Level two: spelling, punctuation and grammar. 
Level three: spelling, punctuation, grammar, wordiness, diction, register, composition, consistency and cross-referencing. Where styles have not been applied consistently, a style will be suggested and recorded (and may be be applied), either within the document or in a style sheet. 
Level three plus text cutting: This involves cutting the number of words for a given text. An example of where this would be required is a journal article that that has to comply with a specified number of words. 
Document styling: Document styling entails applying a particular style to a document, usually a style guide, sometimes referred to as house style. 
Document formatting: Document formatting refers to the visual aspects of a document, which may include creating application-specific styles. Other examples of document formatting are alignment, colours, and horizontal and vertical spacing. Quotes are based on a standardized 250-word page or part thereof. This means that you pay only for pages with text and not for space occupied by images. 
Depending on the client's requirements, WriteArt will also quote by the hour.  Proofreading Quotes for are usually based on an estimated number of hours to proofread a document or publication. Depending on clients' requirements, quotes may also be per page.  


Where documents need checking to ensure that markups by editors and other parties have been implemented and that no errors have crept in along the way, or have been missed during the copyediting phase, this is referred to as proofreading, in one of its senses. Proofreading, in another of its senses, has also come to mean a light copyedit. For this, second, sense of the word, please refer to copyediting levels one and two, above.

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