
Earnings possibilities available to copyeditors

Earnings possibilities available to copyeditors In an evolving economic environment worldwide, with outsourcing playing an increasing role, many are seeking additional or alternative income streams. They may wish to supplement an existing income or to replace it altogether. Or they may be considering switching from onsite to remote or virtual work. These considerations may form […]

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Incorporating the copyediting function in your company

All companies (and non-profit organizations) should ensure that the copy-editing function is a part of their structure and processes. This can be achieved by providing one or more people who work for the company with reputable training; alternatively, freelancers can be used on an ad hoc basis. The goal should be that all the company’s […]

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Good writing increases opportunities

The ability to write well will empower you to succeed in all areas of your life.   It does this because our writing projects necessitate research. In turn, research entails reading, and reading often entails language-related research, including using one or more of dictionaries, thesauruses, and language reference works, such as grammar and style dictionaries […]

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The role of writing in higher education

Nelson Mandela said, ‘Education is the most powerful tool you can use to change the world’. He was talking from personal experience: he first used this tool to change his world, and this enabled him to change the world outside of himself. Many young adults emerge from school with basic language skills, particularly those of […]

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A companion on your writing journeys

In my blog of 7 July 2013, I wrote about the importance of the written aspect of your personal and professional brands. In that blog, I spoke of the role of good writing but also the role of effective copy-editing in representing yourself and your business in the best way possible. But how do you […]

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Writing to create

Everyone who can write, writes; therefore, everyone who can write is a writer (here writing incorporates typing and text-inputting using a keyboard or other text-inputting methods). We all have written for various reasons, including for planning (grocery lists, daily task lists), discovery (journal writing, noting ideas relating to a project), recording (note-taking during lectures, taking […]

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English variety – an aspect of style

Following the theme of my last blog (also a theme in my first blog), here I deal with another aspect of style, namely, language variety. The term language variety covers aspects such as dialect, accent, spelling and punctuation, among others. While there are many varieties of English, such as, Canadian English, Australian English and South […]

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What is a style guide, and why have one?

In my last blog, I touched on the role of consistency and continuity in signalling a brand's reliability. This, in turn, builds trust. In a fast-paced world, we tend to turn to brands that are reliable and that we can therefore trust. When organizations repeatedly deliver on their promises, this relationship is cemented. For organizations, […]

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Pay by instalment for copyediting & proofreading course

Learn copyediting and proofreading the affordable way - for 9.95 € x 12 months or pay 99.95 € once-off. Learn at your own pace – you have 12 months to complete the course.

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Black Friday Sale of Freelance & In-house Copyediting & Proofreading Course

Black Friday Sale of Freelance & In-house Copyediting & Proofreading Course The Freelance and In-house Copyediting and Proofreading Course is on Black Friday sale. Until Friday, this course is on offer at 50% of the usual price. Seize this opportunity to expand your career options – visit the 'Store' page to take advantage of this […]

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Thinking of writing a book, blog, journal

Seize this opportunity to learn how to write the book, blog or other type of text you have been dreaming of writing.

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Reduced fee for Electronic Copyediting and Proofreading course

To celebrate the launch of the Writing for Business and Career Purposes course, the Electronic Copyediting and Proofreading course also is being offered at less a third of the usual course fee, R2950.   Until the end of October 2016, anyone registering for the Electronic Copyediting and Proofreading course will receive a R975 discount on […]

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News & Notices

Pay by instalment for copyediting & proofreading course

Learn copyediting and proofreading the affordable way - for 9.95 € x 12 months or pay 99.95 € once-off. Learn at your own pace – you have 12 months to complete the course.

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Electronic Copy-editing and Proofreading course: congratulations and welcome

Congratulations on completing the Electronic Copy-editing and Proofreading course, and welcome to new course participants.

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WriteArt Newsletter - December 2016

WriteArt's December '16 newsletter was sent on 15 December '16. To view it, click on the following link: WriteArt December '16 Newsletter.   To receive the WriteArt newsletter in future (maximum of one newsletter per month), please click on the following link: WriteArt Newsletter signup form.  

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Launch of Writing for Business and Career Purposes course

Today WriteArt launches the Writing for Business and Career Purposes course. For more information on this course, visit its web page and Facebook page. To see how this course could benefit you, visit the latest blog 'Good writing increases opportunities'.   To celebrate the launch of the Writing for Business and Career Purposes course, it […]

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The Natural Creative Process in Writing Facebook Shop

The ebook version of The Natural Creative Process in Writing: a Core Writing and Editing Handbook for Everyone is now available for purchase from its Facebook page – click on the Shop menu item.   This ebook is available in PDF format using Adobe Digitial Editions, which is free to download. With Adobe Digital Editions, you […]

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One week only: one-third discount on Electronic Copy-editing & Proofreading Course

Starting today, 31 August 2016, and for the next seven days, i.e. until 6 September, the Electronic Copy-editing and Proofreading Course will be offered at less a third of the usual fee.   The fee for this course is R2950, but for the next seven days, anyone registering will receive a R975 discount on their […]

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Publication Design and Typesetting

Writeart now offers a publication design and typesetting service for self-publishers and other publishers. This service complements the WriteArt copy-editing and proofreading service, enabling writers and publishers to have their work copy-edited, proofread, designed and typeset all in one place.   In addition to the publication design and typesetting service offered, WriteArt also produces book […]

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R99.95 special on The Natural Creative Process in Writing

The PDF version of The Natural Creative Process in Writing: a Core Writing and Editing Handbook for Everyone (ISBN: 978-0-620-71074-9) is available at R99.95 (usual price R139.95) until the end of June '16. This version can be viewed on your notebook, iPad and various other ebook readers, such as Kobo, eReader and many more.   […]

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Interview on Fine Music Radio on 4 April 2014 at 13:00

Russell de la Porte will be interviewed on Fine Music Radio on Friday, 4 April, at 13:00 about the forthcoming 'Natural Creative Process in Writing and Life Course' to be held at Alive Café and Creative Experience Hub, in Muizenberg, Western Cape. You can listen to the interview online at FMR's website, by selecting 'Listen […]

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The Natural Creative Process in Writing and Life Course online

Presenter: Russell de la Porte  Dates: 2, 7, 16, 23, 30 April & 7 May Medium of presentation: Online All of us participate in natural creative processes in all areas of our lives, including the natural creative processes involved in writing. Many of us do this unconsciously. But with an awareness of how the natural […]

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Your Knowledgebites ...

Your Knowledgebites will appear here.

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